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Author Topic: ACS 2.0 Causing Core MIDI Errors in Logic after installation of Plugins  (Read 2853 times)

Pimp Daddy Nash

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Testing my MacBook Pro on Catalina, and noticed that after updating to ASC 2.0 I get this error (see Attachment) when launching Logic Pro (10.4.7). A restart makes everything work, but this is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Am currently updating a Mojave system, so will see if this issue is there as well - will update as I know more.

-UPDATE- The same issue does not happen on my Mojave (10.14.6) system, so it's (yet another) Catalina problem...

-UPDATE 2- Even after the restart, I have seen the Core MIDI error pop up after launching Logic again. Quitting and relaunching Logic seems to solve this. Might be another Catalina issue, but I did not see this when testing 10.15 before installing ASC and my V Collection plugins...
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 01:25:24 pm by Pimp Daddy Nash »


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Re: ACS 2.0 Causing Core MIDI Errors in Logic after installation of Plugins
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2019, 02:40:19 pm »

I think it's more related to the vcollection instruments you installed than the ASC.
Did you report this to the support ? If not, I suggest you to do so, and if you did, could you please send me the support ticket number?



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