There is'nt a way to export favorites only.
You can save/ copy your favorites in/ to a seperate user bank and then export that bank.
Please keep in mind that user presets that is marked as favorites have that information with the preset. So it should be marked as a favorite, if you move it to another computer.
Unfortunately it does'nt look like you can copy the Factory preset Favorite markings to another computer.
I think when you mark a factory preset as a Favorite, then this information is being stored in a file in a FactoryEdit folder (At least on Windows in the hidden folder ProgranData).
It would be great, if you could copy that folder to another computer, so those informations was tranfered so the similar factory presets on the other computer got marked as Favorite.
Arturia should'nt this or another way to handle Favorite markings between computers be possible in such a powerful preset handling system as yours?
Have i missed something?