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Author Topic: Sequencer not playing back correctly  (Read 1297 times)


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Sequencer not playing back correctly
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:08:05 am »
Hello! I feel like I shouldn't be having so much of an issue but i cannot figure this out.

I hit record on my Keystep and play some notes, hit stop, then play. It either only plays a few notes of what I played or plays the notes all together at once its really weird. Every video Ive watched someone use the sequencer they do exactly what I'm doing and it plays their sequence back perfectly.


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Re: Sequencer not playing back correctly
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2020, 03:29:12 pm »
What type of computer do you have.  If windows, which version.  How much RAM and Hard drive.  CPU(s) and speed.
Did you try it on another computer or laptop?


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Re: Sequencer not playing back correctly
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2020, 05:10:42 pm »
Running windows 10. 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD and an AMD Threadripper 1950x 3.75 Overclocked 10%

I have not tried running it on my laptop yet but will try that out shortly.


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Re: Sequencer not playing back correctly
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2020, 10:54:39 pm »
With that computer, I can't see that it's the culprit since it should handle the midi codes without a problem.  It could be a software or other that may be interfering though that would be almost impossible.  Trying it on the laptop should give you an indication at to what the problem is.  If it plays well on the laptop, there's a problem with the desktop.  If it doesn't play properly, there's a problem with the keystep.  Another thing might be the USB cable (not likely but it is a possibility)
You could also try connecting with the Midi Control Center and try to program different options to see if it clears the problem.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 10:57:40 pm by gphantom »


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Re: Sequencer not playing back correctly
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2020, 02:03:41 pm »
With that computer, I can't see that it's the culprit since it should handle the midi codes without a problem.  It could be a software or other that may be interfering though that would be almost impossible.  Trying it on the laptop should give you an indication at to what the problem is.  If it plays well on the laptop, there's a problem with the desktop.  If it doesn't play properly, there's a problem with the keystep.  Another thing might be the USB cable (not likely but it is a possibility)
You could also try connecting with the Midi Control Center and try to program different options to see if it clears the problem.

I have tried it now on my laptop, same thing. I play a few single notes and then hit play and its like I'm just slamming my hands on the keyboard.


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Re: Sequencer not playing back correctly
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2020, 04:35:26 am »
Had bother with this tonight too but I got it working eventually.
For me it was the sequence length, I was trying to lay down a 64 step sequence but when I played it back it just sounded like lots of notes all playing at once, very frustrating.
It seems that even though I was setting the sequence length to 64 steps holding the record button and pressing the Channel 16 button 4 times to give me the 64 steps, for some reason it kept only giving me 1 step or 4 steps or 9 steps. I eventually found this out by using the Recall From button in Midi Control Center to recall the sequences, and even though I had set 64 steps, when the sequence was recalled it would be a 4 step sequence with all the notes crammed into the 4 steps, I still have no idea why this is happening, somtimes it would be a 9 step sequence, with all the notes again crammed into 9 steps this time, so I was effectively playing a 64 step sequence over 4 or 9 steps so all the notes were overlapping, by this time I'm pulling my hair out, I even set the 64 steps in Midi Control Center in my Working Project and sent it back to the keystep but the same thing kept happening.

I need to get to the bottom of this but in the meantime this is what worked for me.
I done this with the sequencer stopped.

1. Press Record once and let it go
2. Now Press and hold Record and press your steps (for me I pressed midi channel 16 four times to give me my 64 steps) this now gave me a 64 step sequence full of empty steps.
3. Record your sequence, I done it real time and what do you know, It bloody worked this time.

Also just had a thought, what is your timing division set at?
If your playing your sequence at 1/16th notes I think you need to record it set to 1/16th notes too although not entirely sure about this as I record eveything in 1/16 notes lol

Sorry for the long post, I'm no expert at this, this is just what I have found out tonight after hours of trying to get this work, hope it's of some help.


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