About octaves and quantizing:
In the Sequencer:
If you set a fixed Octave and does'nt randomize the Octave line but do randomize the Pitch line, then you actually keep the randomizing within a single Octave for each individual step. So in this case you can say the fixed Octave is setting a limit/ range for the note randomizing to be within one octave.
If you at the same time have selected a scale in the sequencers Pitch line, then you keep the Randomizing within that scale. In my first preset Example i had Blues chosen to show that possibility. Please read the manuals section " The Scale menu".
When modulating Pitch for a Engine module:
You have 2 buttons for quantize in a module. A "Q" and a "Pen" button.
The Q button Quantize.
The Pen button give you the option to pick the notes you wan't the quantize to function for. In my first example i have picked the notes that fit a Blues scale and to fit the scale i had chosen in the sequencer as the resulting sound make use of both.
I had done that to show this functionality.
But there is a but, as the Engine Pitch Quantized notes is relative to the played note.
In your first post you said you wanted to use random notes in different directions. And that both my examples does.
In my second example i have picked all 12 notes, so it's chromatic quantizing. That to make it clear, that the Engine Pitch modulation actually was quantized. In this second example i have only used Octave settings in the sequencer trying to seperate the 3 LFOs modulation to make the modulations up, down and both as audioble clear as possible.
For quantizing this means, that if you for example pick the notes that make a Major scale in the "keyboard" that show when you use the Pen button, then you Quantize to a Major Scale. If you pick the notes for a Minor scale, then you Quantize to a Minor scale. If you only pick the first note, then you quantize to Octaves and so on. You can pick any notes you wan't and then the Quantize only quantize to the notes you pick. As it's as said allways is relative to the played note, then you keep the same scale precisely, if you only use a single root note, but that root note could be in different octaves.
However - if you for example pick the notes that fit a Blues Scale in the Engine Pitch Modulation and only use that for a sequence, then if you in a C scale play the Bass notes C, F and G, then you actually get a Blues scale that fit each of those root notes. That would be the case for my second example if you pick the quantize notes for a Blues scale like i used in my first example.
Please read section " Quantize Mod" in the manual.
PLease read more in the manual too, and exsperiment your self. Pigments has lots of possibilities using the trigger, sidechain and modulation options and so on.
It's impossible to cover everything as you can mix things in so many ways using your creativity.
Keep in mind that even with your Direction suggestions for the sequencer you will not be able to make different root notes to only be quantized to the excact same specific notes like in example the specific notes C, D and E. That will require a way to command the sequencer to play those notes only no matter which root note is played, and i would like such an option. The way it is now is normal.
If you in example will use the same notes in a Quantize when you play different notes, then you can't unless you pick a chromatic scale, as each played note will be a new root note for a picked scale. If you keep the same root note (Even in Octaves), then the scales notes will not change, and thus you only use certain notes that match the selected scale.
However - don't forget you have the Arpeggiator. That can play Random notes based on the excact notes/ chords you play.
And if you wan't to change scales for different root notes in a sequence, then you can create multiple presets. Just use an instance and a preset for each root note. That can be done Live if you have the tools and skills for that i think, but you can also use a DAW to make a full sequence using multiple tracks.
It all just give you some possiblities, that you have now. And with a little knowleadge music theory about scales, then you perhaps can add to this allready. Who knows what Arturia will do?
About your PS/ Edit i've just seen.
I have not said anything about new sequencer lines. I have said new parameters. And yes you could do something like you have drawn somehow. That's quite elegant if you could select the mode using a computer keyboard key to distinct between the note and the range. But it's still new parameters. And is'nt that actually the same as a limit/ Range setting only like suggested elsewhere in the forum, only for each step, like i have tried to explain from my first post?
Also i'm not sure you can have 2 or more layers to work like this in the code Arturia use.
What i have said about lines is, that this parameters will have to be added to each line in the sequencer. In you case for the Pitch and Octave line for a total of 64 parameters like you draw.
And for others they would also like ranges/ limits for all the other lines. Should that also be for each step? Then that will add 32 parameters more pr step. Should that also include a randomize percentage amount for each step? That would add 32 parameters for each line in the sequencer too.
And i would like to be able to set the ranges for full lines with one parameter too.
But let's see what Arturia will do. As said, then i'm just saying that you allready have lots of possibilities to use now.