You can change all the options that require the software via MIDI as the all have a MIDI CC attached to them.
From the connection software manual:
Parameter|MIDI|CC Value
Receive Channel|102|1 to 16, 17=All
Send Channel|103|1 to 16
Sync Source|108|0 to 41 = Auto, 42 to 83 = Int, 84 to 127 = Ext
Env Legato Mode|109|0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On
LFO Retrig Mode|110|0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On
Note Priority|111|0 to 41 = Last, 42 to 83 = Low, 84 to 127 = High
Velocity Curve|112|0 to 41 = Lin, 42 to 83 = Log, 84 to 127 = Anti Log
Audio In Threshold|115|0 to 41 = Low, 42 to 83 = Mid, 84 to 127 = High
Aftertouch Curve|116|0 to 41 = Exponential,42 to 82 = Logarithmic, 83 to 127 = Linear
Arpeggiator Hold|117|0 to 63 = Off, 64 to 127 = On
Local ON/OFF|122 0 = turn off ; 127 = turn on