Turn off auto clock on the Volca. Press Function as you power on the Beats, one of the steps sets the clock source to either internal or auto, I can't remember which one, but the manual remembers (and never forgets) all the little box's functions and how to set them, so give that a read.
Running on internal clock means the VBeats will not respond to start/stop messages so won't start every time you press play on your BSP.
If you are going to use your VBeats as a drum bank, the BSP is perfect for that. You can assign the dials in Control Mode to control the parameters on the VBeats and only have to touch one machine to send sequences and live tweaks to your VBeats. You can't run Active Step and Stutter modes, but the BSP's Roller is enough fun to make up for not being able to destroy the timing of the VBeats natively.