With regards to sync with DAW, I don't use DAWs so can't comment beyond set your Keystep to external MIDI sync. The rest is a matter of cables and settings. Before you run your hardware synchronised to your DAW, perhaps just plug the Keystep to the Mother 32 for a solo jam? Set the Keystep to internal sync and get your cables. The simplest connection is a MIDI cable from the Keystep MIDI out to the Mother 32 MIDI in. Set both to the same nominal MIDI channel (Keystep is shift+the corresponding key, look up the M32's manual for how to set it's channel). You can also use CV via the 8th inch jacks on the back of the Keystep. Plug the pitch cable in to the OSC pitch in on the M32, the Gate out to Gate/Trig in, and the last one into the VCA control input. Also, do a search for MIDI basics and look up a site called "Learing Modular". Both will bring you upto speed with how to plug your instruments in to play nicely with each other.