Hi Matthieu, unfortunately I've spent the time I have had with the unit wrestling issues and now have run out of time (and patience) on being able to return my unit to get my money back... I really like the size & aesthetic of the unit, as well as they layout & appearance of the software pane and so am extremely disappointed with all the issues I've faced

... I originally went for it to REPLACE my 18i20 but with all these issues and the support not really being up to par with Focusrite (admittedly I've only just been pointed in the direction of this forum) I'm going to have to go back to it.
Yes I'd become accustomed with the Direct/Computer wheel somewhat - and actually really like that feature! There are some features with the unit I just couldn't get on with - for reference, I think different colour lights for when soft buttons are engaged would have been a great call ; so easier to see when DIM or MUTE engaged etc. for example... I also found the headphone amps to be EXTREMELY weak (even when cranked to MAX)
Also had some frustration/trouble with the ControlCentre software on top of everything else - SPDIF would constantly un-mute itself!! Which was infuriating when recording as the DI signal would suddenly crop up and cause distraction.
As I'm typing this now my SPKR A/B select button still hasn't returned to normal use from yesterday. I may consider an AF in future again, perhaps once the issues have all been ironed out and the software updated; but just upset that this couldn't work here & now, to shift my 18i20.