So, I bought the Collection 5 a while back and have to say I'm quite pleased with it. Love the Moog emulations the most. OK, now onto my dilemma. Many, if not most, of the Collection 5 instruments can have their volumes controlled by the expression pedal. I want to utilize the Mini V more but it doesn't seem to want to have the volume function assigned by cc11. What's the best way around this? Any plans on having this implemented in the future? I am running on a Win10 computer with Ableton Live and Cantabile as hosts (migrating towards Cantabile) for live playing. I am controlling the setup using Novation Impulse 61 and M Audio Keystation 49 controllers. I am using the Moog expression pedal through the Impule 61. Ideally, I'd like ALL VSTs' volumes to be able to be controlled by the expression pedal (cc11).