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Author Topic: Simple update question  (Read 2245 times)


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Simple update question
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:07:12 am »
Collection V, Win7.



I occasionally get the update notification in Windows from the system tray and then NOTHING.

I just got one telling me I had 5 instruments to update. I click on it or I bring up the ASC manually and NOTHING. There's no indication on how to update those 5 instruments. Click on My Products, see Collection V, click on that, see all 17 instruments, NO update button; right-click on some, which acts like a left-click (takes me to the instrument details page, with has NO update button) and no update indicators.

In short, there's no indication I can find WHICH 5 are ready to update or HOW to update them.

Does it happen automatically? If so, how about informing us that it's being done? I need to reboot my computer for another update, but worry about interrupting a download if it's automatic. The trouble is that I DON'T KNOW.

When I click on 'My Arturia', it loads the page and I can find a 'Download' button next to Collection V. That's what I did last time, downloaded the ENTIRE collection. But I can't believe this is the way to do it -- update the entire collection after informing the user that only 5 need updating -- but if so, please let me know the sorry news.

Am I doing something stupid? Missing something obvious? Because I've been in the software industry for 30 years myself and believe it should not be this difficult.

Thanks for any tips or advice.


Matt Arturia

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Re: Simple update question
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2017, 09:20:42 am »
Hi there,

I think you are not doing anything wrong. If when you open the ASC and all instruments versions say : X.X.0.205 (or 207) then all is up to date. We've recently released an update for all the V Collection.

I think I have the same behavior at home, where all is up to date but the ASC keeps telling me that there is 5 updates available...when in fact there is none. I've transmitted your message to the IT Manager, he'll look into it.




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Re: Simple update question
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 10:27:27 am »

This seems abnormal, so we will investigate this. Could you please tell us all the plugins that you have installed, be they within the V Collection or not, plus their version number? Have you installed then deleted some of them?




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Re: Simple update question
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2017, 03:02:27 am »

This seems abnormal, so we will investigate this. Could you please tell us all the plugins that you have installed, be they within the V Collection or not, plus their version number? Have you installed then deleted some of them?



Thanks for the input Matthieu.

Hi Simon,

The only Arturia products I have installed is the Collection V. So it's those 17 apps/plug-ins, nothing added or removed. As Matthieu indicated, the ACS reports that they are all version *.205 with the exception of the Farfisa V which as is at *.207, and the Analog Lab is at

So it could be that after the last update (which had a count of 5 to update as well), that the updater just hasn't been reset and continues to report the same updates. Or not -- that's just a guess.

Feel free to ask any other question about my setup and I'll do my best to reply/



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