I was curious if one could use the KeyStep with virtual synths, if one could have it produce sequences and arpeggios. My aim was to use the KeyStep to allow virtual synths to follow sequences and arpeggios, as if they were a real analog synth. And if it were possible, to have a real analog drum machine clock the KeyStep as one recorded the drum track at the same time as one recorded the sequences from the KeyStep.
I had a friend try it out and he got as far as getting the KeyStep, clocked by Ableton, to lay down sequences and arpeggios with the Ableton virtual synths. But it was just a single track, no drums.
My question is whether anyone has tried it with drums -- either virtual or drum machine.
I'm curious whether anyone has tried laying down a drum and bass sequence with the KeyStep and gotten it to work. I assume one can do it inside a DAW as he was clocking the KeyStep from his Mac. That is, lay down the sequence at the same time you're recording virtual drums. Will Ableton allow you to clock the KeyStep, record the sequence produced as a virtual synth, and record real drums as well?
I only have Garageband at the moment -- will any of the above work with GB?