Terrym thank you it helped. I sorted my channels now by loading (Recall From) the project to MCC, adjusting Controller Map parameters and sending back the project to the device (Store To).
EDITED 19:15
However, the whole thing IS puzzling. The manual and the people in general refer to the "working memory" and 16 memories, whereas there are only Projects! I even do not have "Working Project" item on the list, only Projects 1 to 16.
After seeing some older videos I suspect there was a change, some time ago "Memories" have been renamed to "Projects". Still there is something called "working memory" and I don't know what it is. As I said, there is no "Working Project" item on my Device Projects list. Was it abandoned in the latest version? Puzzling.
Also the manual talks about Global Parameters, shows them as a separate column on the main view. My MCC calls that Device Settings in a separate tab. Obviously there have been same changes and the manual does not follow them.
Not a mark of high quality, I would say.
Anyway, thanx a lot for the help!