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Author Topic: How do I save custom Pad mappings?  (Read 2358 times)


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How do I save custom Pad mappings?
« on: October 15, 2016, 02:27:45 pm »
Good morning,

I apologize if this has been asked before, i can't seem to find an answer to my exact question, many similar ones however.

I have Spark 2 but I do not have the controller. I have a Nektar Impact LX49+, I don't think that really matters.
I wan't to take the pads in Spark 2 (at least 8 of them) and re-map to the LX49 pads.

This is all well and good and works great, however every new track or every new project i end up remapping them.

I have tried the three settings in preferences, none of them line up with the pads, I have tried saving as a Track Template in Reaper, ony to have the mappings reset when loaded as a new track.

So is there any way to carry over custom pad mappings to new tracks and future projects?



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Re: How do I save custom Pad mappings?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2016, 09:30:30 am »
I do this, but I use Cubase, sorry I can't advise you on Reaper. What that program lets me do is make something called a drum map for my midi track. I have a spark one all set up (made myself, saved to a folder)and I just load that one on the midi track. It remaps the notes from the pads to what I want. You can also hold control+right click on spark to change the pads midi notes as well. Can reaper do the same thing? I do not know.


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Re: How do I save custom Pad mappings?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2016, 02:36:35 pm »
     try performing the mapping and then saving FX chain. For new track try to load FX chain. Would it work that way?


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