Hi guys
I'm connected the "Clock Out" from the BSP to the "Sync In" of my Volca Bass. But when I push "Play" on the BSP, the Volca doesn't start playing back. If I then hit "Play" manually on the Volca, the sequence is played but it's played like on 1250BPM. ;-)
I know that I could use the "Midi Out", but that is not an option for me because of the following:
I have a modular connected to the BSP (via CV) and I don't want my Volca to play the same sequence like my Modular.
Anyone knows how I can get the Volcas to get the clock of the BSP without the sequence?
Thanks in advance!
Radian Pixel
Apparently the Volcas run on 2ppqs which is why they step two for every one sync pulse. Teenage Engineering use the same (non) standard. I think that the other two companies should fall in line with the rest, but that's not going to happen and Arturia have said they want to solve the issue so that the BSP will be able to sync Volcas and OP-1/PO's correctly (this issue has been addressed on these boards previously, do a search to find the thread concerned).
Until that happens, if you want to use the analogue syncing with your Volca/TE modules you can do so by using a drum track gate-out sending a pulse every second step. Yes, this means you only have 15 drum tracks and 7 gate-outs left to work with but there is a lot more control and creativity this way than using the usual sync methods.
With regard to using midi, you can pass your Volca the midi clock without either of the note sequences by setting it to a different midi channel than the sequencers are set to. This will work as long as the BSP is running a sequence, but will not when it is stopped. This is because the
BSP DOES NOT SEND CONSTANT MIDI CLOCK DATA (Arturia can you address this please?). I have worked around this by using the master midi clock function on my Novation Zero SL mk2, though ERM make a standalone master midi clock that is cheaper than buying a dedicated controller with masterclock functionality on the side.