That is a CV arpeggiator, you send the CV outputs on it to synths (and other things). You don't send an audio signal to it, only a clock signal. The other thing about that is it's a Eurorack module. It won't work as a stand-alone device, it requires a housing and power supply, both of which are rather expensive. Eurorack cases with power sell for twice the cost of that arpeggiator module if it has a decent companies name on it.
If you do fork out for the enclosure, psu and module, you can plug the note CV output from it into your Minibrute pitch CV input and see what happens. It might work, or it might be running on weird CV's that won't run anything not made by Blue Lantern. You will probably need a clock source. I don't know. Modulars are horribly expensive to get started in, so I only have limited knowledge of that world. What I do know is one of the reasons MIDI was developed was to get around a bunch of non-compatible CV standards being used at the end of the 70's that meant nobody's synths would ever work 100% with others, if they did at all.