I have a MIDI sequence in an Instrument track in PT 12.6 that also contains the Spark 2 Plugin insert. It worked fine yesterday but today MIDI stopped being recognized by Spark. This includes MIDI coming from my controller. Also, The PT project didn't open unless I disabled plugins during launch. I was able to reconfigure Spark to once again receive MIDI from the timeline and my controller by making a MIDI track and pointing this track to the Spark Instrument track. The only problem was that when I tried to reload the project PT once again failed to open. I removed the Spark plugin and replaced it with Superior drummer and the project works/saves/opens/closes without any issues. I can only assume that Spark 2 was causing problems with PT and so PT wouldn't open and had intermittent issues with MIDI.
1. I have not updated to Sierra yet as PT doesn't support it yet.
2. The PT project is 88.20/32 bit if that has any relevance.
3. The only other plugins in the project during this issue where three instrument tracks each containing Spectrasonics Keyscape.