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Author Topic: Can't import any patches downloaded from Arturia  (Read 4554 times)


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Can't import any patches downloaded from Arturia
« on: October 02, 2016, 07:32:52 pm »
I originally purchased V collection 3 and now I own V collection 5. Currently I am only running the V5 collection.
I have downloaded all the different patch banks available for the Jupiter 8V and none of the banks will import. All the banks have .j8e extension and the files don't even appear when I select import and browse to the directory for the files.

I reinstalled the older V3 Jupiter and the files showed up and imported perfectly. The V5 Jupiter will not see/import these banks. Is there a way to do it? I tried the patch converter but after I imported these banks into V3 Jupiter the patch converter did not see these patches. I think the converter only works for V4 to V5 and won't convert from V3???


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Re: Can't import any patches downloaded from Arturia
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 08:00:12 pm »
Presets made before VC5 need to be updated by a speciel converter you can find here.

also you can get more informations here:

And there are also lots of posts about this in the forums. Like here:

Be aware that presets converted from older versions to VC5 perhaps don't sound escactly the same.
So you might wan't to keep the old v-collection alongside VC5.

The converter you have used i assume is the converters used to unlock from using eLicenser. That don't work for CS5.


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Re: Can't import any patches downloaded from Arturia
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2016, 09:46:58 pm »
Thanks so much for the reply. I do appreciate it.
Looks like my main problem is that I was using the wrong converter.  I'll give this a go again and see what happens.


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