I've noticed with recent sound expansion packs that a lot of sounds from the kits are way to hot, they red line the PPM's and meters in pro tools at under 0dB.
A lot of the earlier kits were ok, some were hot but most were saved with master volume over 0dB which you just zero and re-save. The samples however were mostly recorded at sensible levels.
The latest free down tempo kit on the site goes way into the red even with the obligatory comps and EQ's turned off. Do Arturia adhere to any PPM or loudness standard or is it just released when it sounds nice? Putting these kits in pro tools really drives the needles way over where they should go and could damage gear if people aren't aware of this.
We like lots of headroom, yes but can we have things recorded at sensible levels please as a lot of kits are unusable as they are.
Thanks, Stuart