Very happy to hear that it worked out for you and obviously you went even deeper with your configuration.
It really is the best sampler.
the "VST" can be "copied" and you can run several instances of Battery-3, with different samples/kits on different midi channels...if you want...
And under the hood adjustment per sample is fantastic...assignments, mapping, FX, strokes, rolls,...plays loops...etc..
Then you save the kit with a name for future BSP use....
I don't quite understand what you're doing in the MidiControl Center?...And why or how you use that editor. I never use that thing... I do everything in Battery.
What I don't understand about Arturia is their lack of support for their OWN products, which is incredibly lame.
They made iSpark for iOS iPad use and it's NOT compatible...So I got refund.
Way to do business Arturia...
All companies that I know make sure that their hardware is compatible with software so you integrate...