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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Logic Pro MIDI problems duplicate notes & undesired MIDI loopback when recording  (Read 1894 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 7
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My setup:
Macbook Pro (running Logic Pro)
USB cable connected from Macbook pro to Beatstep Pro as MIDI connection.
Beatstep Pro being used as: real-time controller when recording new MIDI takes in Logic Pro; MIDI to CV/Gate converter for outboard analog Eurorack modules.

Sequencer 1 on BSP set to MIDI ch 1
Drum Sequencer on BST set to MIDI ch 10
Both of the above MIDI tracks in Logic Pro also set to MIDI channels accordingly.

My objective:
To record / compose MIDI tracks, within the same song, but independently of each other (i.e. multiple takes, layering drums, then bass lines, then other synth parts, etc.)

First off, I am a bit new to the Beatstep Pro. However, the manual doesn't seem to cover my specific set of problems...

1) When I record a MIDI track in Logic, I get "doubled" or "duplicate" MIDI notes. Using a MIDI monitor has revealed that while record-enabled in Logic Pro, a duplicate MIDI note is being transmitted. Is this a local MIDI on/off issue? and if so, how do you configure this? on the Logic Pro side? or the BSP side?

2) When I have a MIDI track already recorded (for example Drums on MIDI ch 10) that is playing, and at the same time I am attempting to record a new MIDI track (for example Synthesizers on MIDI ch 1), I end up recording both the new real-time performance of the Synthesizer MIDI data as well as the MIDI data from the other track (from a different MIDI channel).

Any help on this would be great. It might be something quite simple. Maybe not.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 11:15:52 pm by enoughstatic »


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