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Author Topic: BSP and MFB Tanzbar  (Read 1988 times)


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BSP and MFB Tanzbar
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:25:26 pm »
hello guys,

I am wondering if anyone has these 2 little ones and managed to sequence the Tanzbar through the BSP. Here is all my setup :

I have a BSP / Audio interface AudioBOX / Blofeld and Tanzbar.

My BSP MIDI OUT is going into my audio interface MIDI IN.
My blofeld MIDI IN is going into my audio interface MIDI OUT.
My Tanzbar MIDI IN is going into my CLOCK OUT BSP.

Everything is running through Ableton Live.

So far I can sequence my Blofeld and VST's from Ableton but I can't get to sequence my Tanzbar. I have checked all the midi channel onto the MIDI CC. Is there anyone who is having similar issues or who could help me with that ?

Thank you very much!


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Re: BSP and MFB Tanzbar
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2016, 04:37:30 pm »
I don't have a blofeld or tanzbar or an Audiobox. But if it was the case, I would connect the BSP midi out to the Tanzbar midi in, the Tanzbar midi thru to a midi in (blofeld or audio interface). I never use the clock out or in of my BSP to sequence midi, my BSP receive midi clock via midi in.
But I don't know if you want Ableton, the BSP or the Tanzbar to be your master clock…


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Re: BSP and MFB Tanzbar
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2016, 08:30:32 pm »
I want the BSP to be my master clock. I already have my MIDI IN from audio interface going into my MIDI OUT of BSP..


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