well i wanted to get my arturia working with my ableton live 9 with the mapping provided on the website ,
when i opened midi control center it said the device was not connected or sometimes "opened in another program"
the KL 49 is recognized in device manager so i tried to play around with it and nothing enen did a rest (pressing - + while powering up ) .
this situation right now is that it works with" analog lab" , :"prophet V" and abelton as a standard midi controller cant change the mapping or memory to make all the function work .
firmware is also at 1.25 and wont let me upgrade to 1.33 for the same reasons.
one last thing is sometimes it let me (or at least it seems so ) store the mapping into the memory but even though i pressed edit and value to select and press and had ableton set with the control surface and everything ,it didn't work for me .
i am posting this after searching the web for answer for a long time i love the feel of the product but this aspect of the software is really irritating and i would i appreciate some help on the matter .