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Author Topic: Record external MIDI Notes not working proper  (Read 4745 times)


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Record external MIDI Notes not working proper
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:03:43 pm »
i would like to record some midi notes from my external keyboard into a running sequence

i can play my synth's that are connected to BSP via MIDI OUT with my Keyboard that goes into BSP's MIDI IN

but once i start the sequence i can't hear anything unless i hit the record button !?
the issue is that i can't hear what i am playing before i want to record it when the sequencer is running...

should this be normal or could it be a bug ?? don't get the point of that behaviour...


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Re: Record external MIDI Notes not working proper
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2015, 06:51:06 pm »
Hi, you cannot overdub when the sequence is running if you press record you will only hear your midi in


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Re: Record external MIDI Notes not working proper
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2015, 07:14:54 pm »
that is quite sad -
can you understand my issue and could you imagine to implement an "overdub off" option in the midi control center ?


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Re: Record external MIDI Notes not working proper
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2015, 05:28:16 pm »
i would like to record some midi notes from my external keyboard into a running sequence

i can play my synth's that are connected to BSP via MIDI OUT with my Keyboard that goes into BSP's MIDI IN

but once i start the sequence i can't hear anything unless i hit the record button !?
the issue is that i can't hear what i am playing before i want to record it when the sequencer is running...

should this be normal or could it be a bug ?? don't get the point of that behaviour...

I was banging my head against this same thing. thought it was a gross oversight in design. But it isn't quite so bad. the workflow for using an external controller isn't quite intuitive, and it doesn't seem to be adjustable (no midi thru options!) but ...

when the sequencer is playing, default behavior is to use the external controller to transpose the track. But if you MUTE the track you want to play, you can then hear the melodies you are playing on the keyboard without actually recording them.

when you decide you've got something you want to capture, you can then enter record mode and keep playing the part you have been rehearsing. You don't need to unmute in order to record--you'll still hear the live keyboard part you are playing (but when you loop back across it, you won't hear what you've just captured until you do hit that unmute).

does that help?

I was soooo depressed when I hit this problem. I thought I'd have to send the thing back. I kept spinning through midi split and merge options in my head ... there's GOT to be a way to play along and only record when you are ready, I told myself. Take a splitter and send midi direct to both synth and sequencer simultaneously? when you would hit record, you'd double up on note messages.
The other thought I had--which might have worked--was to set up the sequence to RECEIVE midi on channel 3 and SEND on channel 1 (this still requires a splitter or midi patchbay, as the bsp doesn't pass midi thru for any channels other than what it's working with). That way, I could play the synth direct on channel 1 and switch over to channel 3 when I wanted to enter into record mode .... klunky, but it might have saved me from returning the box. BUT I discovered the mute thing, and that's working fine for me so far.


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Re: Record external MIDI Notes not working proper
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2016, 02:38:05 am »
when the sequencer is playing, default behavior is to use the external controller to transpose the track. But if you MUTE the track you want to play, you can then hear the melodies you are playing on the keyboard without actually recording them.

when you decide you've got something you want to capture, you can then enter record mode and keep playing the part you have been rehearsing. You don't need to unmute in order to record--you'll still hear the live keyboard part you are playing (but when you loop back across it, you won't hear what you've just captured until you do hit that unmute).

jerome0 YMMD

This should really be in the manual (and in the videos). Not knowing this technique means you have to, not only record your sequence first try, but also know beforehand what notes you will play.

There really should be a setting in the MCC to exchange the transpose behaviour for a "play along" mode. I guess a lot of people would consider this a key feature.


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