Hi Terrym, thank you for your reply.
Please remark that idea for further firmware upgrades, it is a waste of time to wait (if you are using an extended pattern) to get to the sequence you want to change a thing, so try to get your mind to be in a workflow where you create a sequence and you realise that it is a waste of time (and perhaps a waste of loosing inspiration) to wait until you reach the changeble sequence.
I missed it even when workimg with the Spark (hardware) but hoping it could be raealized in future with the BSP cause the workflow would be get much easily.
This is only a request - never the less it's a great hardware, I love it and thank you all for that device. My stuff gets more and more colored by Arturia. BEsides my Origin, Analog factory32 and the Spark an Beatstep and the BTP.