Hello et bonsoir!
I was always a little unsatisfied with the speed of the minibrutes envelopes and with the "feel" of the decay and release sliders - or more technically spoken: with the taper of the sliders for decay and release.
To reproduce what is bothering me in regards of the envelope speed do the following:
* Set the envelope speed to "fast".
* Set vca attack and decay to minimum. Set vca sustain and and release to maximum.
* Set filter attack, decay and release to minimum and sustain to maximum.
* Set cutoff to minimum and envelope amount to maximum.
* Start the arpeggiator with 16th notes 120~130 BPM (standard dance floor tempo).
* Now increase the vcf envelopes release time.
The useful range of the vcf envelopes releasetime fader will be between 0% and ~20%. Any value above 20% won't make a change. Same for the attack or decaytimes.
I think it does not make sense to have a "fast" setting for the envelope, which is not usable at 75% of its settings for a mid tempo dancefloor number. ( I don't want to think about up tempo Techno or even 176 BPM Drum'n'Base).
So I opened up the Minibrute (Tant pis! La garantie es perdu!) and found the capacitors C70 and C78 for the VCF envelope and C76 and C79 for the VCA envelope. Those have values of 1uF (C70 and C76) and 10uF (C78 and C79). As a test I replaced C70 by a 100nF capacitor - and whooopiee! I can use the whole range of the decay and release fader at a 120BPM arpeggio. I think 220nF and 2.2uF would be optimized values.

Still I found that there is much change in the attack/decay/release-times at the lower 25% of the corresponding faders and only a little change at the upper 75%. That made me think that a wronge taper is used for these potentiometers. I desoldered one, and indeed there are lineare sliders used, where every synthesizer developer I know (and even Yves Usson) uses potentiometers with a logarithmic taper.

The B10k means: linear 10 kiloohms.
Can you tell me please which brand these sliders are? I would like to replace them with logarithmic ones.
kind regards (et a bonne soiree)
Florian Anwander