Roland Boutique SH-01aCreated on Keylab 61 MkII.
Tried to map as closely to the front panel as possible, in order, keeping grouped items nearby each other.
(Yes, I have more than Roland gear, just doing these first
Encoder Bank 1:
2. VCO Range
3. VCO PWM Source
7. VCO Sub-Oscillator Type
Fader Bank 1:
1. LFO Rate
2. VCO Modulation Depth
3. VCO Pulse Width
4. VCO PWM Level
5. VCO Saw Level
6. VCO Sub-Osc Level
7. VCO Noise Level
Encoder Bank 2:
6. VCA Envelope Modulation
Fader Bank 2:
1. VCF Cutoff Frequency
2. VCF Resonance
3. VCF Env
4. VCF Mod Depth
5. VCF Key Follow
6. Env Attack
7. Env Decay
8. Env Sustain
9. Env Release
Button Bank 2:
6. VCA Envelope
Encoder Bank 3:
1. LFO WaveForm
4. Tuning
5. Transpose
6. Portamento Level
Fader Bank 3:
1. VCO Bend Depth
2. VCF Bend Depth
3. LFO Modulation
Switch Bank 3:
6. Portamento Enable