From reading through some of these topics devoted to the arpeggio timing and sync issues, as I understand it, the Minibrute arpeggio sequence is triggered/stepped via MIDI clock signals. Each clock command advances the arpeggio sequence one step. I believe I have read comments by Mr. Bruno that indicate this as such.
I recently opened my Minibrute and performed the clock input and output modifications as described in the "leaf cutter john/ mega-brute" modifications PDF. Although the MIDI arpeggio sync works very well once one gets the protocol down, I often prefer, and in some cases need to use 'analog' clock pulses to sync up various sequencers and rhythm machines. So, I was hoping this modification might allow me to better integrate the Minibrute arp into my chain of clocked devices. It did somewhat, but it's not rock-solid unfortunately (maybe this is asking too much, but I figure its worth aspiring to at least). The clock input modification allows an external pulse to emulate the tap tempo button-- so, the Minibrute is continuously averaging the input pulse frequency and adjusting the internal tempo as if someone were tapping the button. As I said, it works somewhat, but not without regular skips and hick-ups.
It would be ideal-- and I think would solve my sync problem completely (and probably many other people who use modular sequencers and rhythm devices) if there was a way to insert a pulse in a way that would emulate the MIDI clock command, and advance the arpeggio one step at a time. Is this at all possible, and if one was looking at the Minibrute schematic is there a micro controller pin (or something) where a pulse could be injected in place of MIDI clock data?