Glad it helped.
A funny one to try out is this:
Set velocity to control proVS AMPL ENV, and then
set AMPL ENV to control the Pro5 volumen.
Set amount for velocity to -1 and for AMPL ENV to +1. (The negative velocity amount get more depth, but all other settings but volumene will be affected negative if used.)
Try to experiment with different settings including for Cutoff.
Remember for both suggestions i have send to set the levels of the proVS amp env high (except the attack (1)) and together. The settings affect the sound.
Also remember that this is suggestions for setting velocity to pro5 sounds, so be sure you are not routing to proVS filter and that proVS sound is turned down to zero, so you only use the proVS amp env for the pro5 sound.
It's a bit tricky. But you can get a playing feel, even if it's not optimal at all.