I recieved a coupon for V-collection and even got a reminder. But I cant login to my Arturia.
I forgot my username, and I was able to retrieve it, but when I tried the same with my password it says the username was not saved. hve tried several times and days, but it will not work.
So I couldnt log in and use my coupon.
Finally I tried to make a new account but my mailadress are already registrered. Then I tried to make a new accont with my other mailadress, but the coupon did not work at that account, since it is connected to your account as it seems.
Anyone here from Arturia who can help me or anyone else got the same problem?
Since the offer only was until today, I really hope that Arturia could help here and hopefully make an exeption for me and all others who could not log in and order at the given timeframe for the coupon.