I will try to explain.
problem might be with so.e instruments that you have projects done with a daw with earlier versions than asc.
If so, you must know that the content of these was encrypted before ( disclaimer, a bad idea as it was not arturia technology but eLicenser which means we need eLicenser to decrypt).
therefore if you need in the future to open such a project the plug-in new version working with asc will detect it was encoded and try to decrypt with eLicenser.
Which will work only if you still have it installed with a valid activation code.
So first if you upgrade from vc3, keep your eLicenser. If you resell old licenses to buy vc4, then contact the support to get activation codes from the support to allow you to use those old projects.
I m sorry if this is complex.
We are doing this to simplify your life but we know there is some difficulties for users having long used eLicenser. And we will provide eLicenser code for some time. Probably at least until vc5.
Also, I ensure we will not encrypt projects anymore with any third party technology.