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Author Topic: To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine  (Read 2773 times)


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Please fix the jog dial issue!
To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine, please fix this Bug!


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Re: To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 08:58:59 am »
Hi keplinger,
what we know is that after some load on an instrument, the instrument start suddenly to not sound.
Do you encounter any other issue?
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Re: To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2011, 10:29:28 pm »
I'm finding the issue that Kevin describes, while trying to create an instrument from loaded samples.  I'm able to preview while browsing samples, and then import the layer.  But... no matter where I look, I cannot find a mute/solo/activate or level setting to explain my inability to hear the sample, despite however I attempt to trigger it.  I'm glad to read that it's a known bug, I'll stop beating my head against it for a while.

Hey, I'm not receiving emails notifying me of updates - could you please contact me somehow once it's resolved?  Thank you.

Also, the auto-preview feature in the browser (and the browser's custom GUI) are wonderful updates to Spark, as are the shortcuts to navigate the software from the hardware device.  Copy/paste shortcut = very welcome.  (Just...  careful not to erase what you're hoping to copy!)


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Re: To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 10:22:10 pm »
I wrote in july for the selected Instruments with the Jog Dial:
Sorting sometimes works weird: the first instrument displayed in the list are not of the same kind of the selected instrument ...
Sorry is not complete fixed!
If I load an ANALOG snare drum in the studio window, I can see on the spark display the Name of the analog snare drum, but when i work with the jog dial, the Jog Dial starts with the first snare drum of the sample list and I only can scroll through the samples list!
But I would like listen and load the next ANALOG snare drum!?
Kevin answers:
When we write "the first instrument displayed in the list are not of the same kind of the selected instrument".
We are referring the BD, SD, HH...
You are right the instrument are not sorted by synthesis kind when you are browsing them with the wheel.
We are thinking to improve this browsing section for the next update.
As you said, there is still lots of work for us (and still lots of surprise for you  Wink).

Please fix this Bug!


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Re: To load instruments/samples with the jog dial is not 100% working fine
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2011, 08:33:05 am »
Hey, I'm not receiving emails notifying me of updates - could you please contact me somehow once it's resolved?  Thank you.
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