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Author Topic: beat export not working in logic?  (Read 3176 times)


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beat export not working in logic?
« on: June 21, 2011, 12:22:05 am »
trying to export a beat created into Logic studio - by dragging from the library pattern slots on the spark plug-in into a logic empty space/channel - but all I see to get (either as a midi or audio track from preferences) is a 'flat line' no midi/audio?  Am I dragging beat/loop from the correct place into logic?  Is there a preference somewhere i have missed?

Spark plays sync etc in logic and I can see the sequence pattern in Sparks window - I cant seem to export beats?!  Any help greatly received


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Re: beat export not working in logic?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2011, 09:09:10 am »

This should work. You have to drag a pattern from the upper part of the library (pattern orange zone) to a Logic channel or empty space.

Are you able to drag a pattern from Spark library to your desktop?
You could also try to select your pattern in the pattern orange zone and use "Export" button in the library to check if the export works.




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Re: beat export not working in logic?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 11:27:09 am »
Emilie - thanks for your reassurance! I thought it should work that way and today it did behave as expected?!  I don't know what the issue was but it is working fine now thanks.

Now I have a couple of new questions! 
1.  For my test - I've dragged a couple of factory kit loops from Spark plugin onto a logic track (as midi)- so i have 3 or 4 beat variations over 8 bars.  Now the query - It seems I have to manually press STOP on the spark transport (hardware or plug-in) to playback the loops in logic correctly - otherwise the Spark is also 'playing the current loop' alongside the logic midi loops?  Pressing STOP on Spark stops the current spark beat playing AND does not affect Logic transport  - with the logic loops now playing fine! (Hope that makes sense?!) This would be fine but each time you 'return to zero/start' of song it enables the hardware/spark plug-in to trigger the spark playback button to play again - with the same problem?! 

I've tried disabling the 'auto song start' - which made no difference and also disabling 'connect to host' but this seems to not play the correct loop in logic either - instead playing the current/last loop in logic imported?  Is this not the method that should work?

2. Is there a better way to use the XY filter/slicer in Logic?  It doesn't seem to output this as a controller as midi via USB (am I wrong in thinking this?) - i.e. I cannot use the XY pad to filter a loop already dropped on Logic?  The only current solution I found is to output the spark track via a BUSS in logic to an audio track and use the XY pad in realtime to record the audio 'performance'.  Is there a better way of doing this - or this the way other people are doing it?

Thanks for your help


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Re: beat export not working in logic?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 09:31:44 am »
Hi funkyape,
see my answers below

Emilie - thanks for your reassurance! I thought it should work that way and today it did behave as expected?!  I don't know what the issue was but it is working fine now thanks.

Now I have a couple of new questions! 
1.  For my test - I've dragged a couple of factory kit loops from Spark plugin onto a logic track (as midi)- so i have 3 or 4 beat variations over 8 bars.  Now the query - It seems I have to manually press STOP on the spark transport (hardware or plug-in) to playback the loops in logic correctly - otherwise the Spark is also 'playing the current loop' alongside the logic midi loops?  Pressing STOP on Spark stops the current spark beat playing AND does not affect Logic transport  - with the logic loops now playing fine! (Hope that makes sense?!) This would be fine but each time you 'return to zero/start' of song it enables the hardware/spark plug-in to trigger the spark playback button to play again - with the same problem?! 

The "Host" button in the toolbar should do the job.

Quote from: funkyape
I've tried disabling the 'auto song start' - which made no difference and also disabling 'connect to host' but this seems to not play the correct loop in logic either - instead playing the current/last loop in logic imported?  Is this not the method that should work?

2. Is there a better way to use the XY filter/slicer in Logic?  It doesn't seem to output this as a controller as midi via USB (am I wrong in thinking this?) - i.e. I cannot use the XY pad to filter a loop already dropped on Logic?  The only current solution I found is to output the spark track via a BUSS in logic to an audio track and use the XY pad in realtime to record the audio 'performance'.  Is there a better way of doing this - or this the way other people are doing it?

Thanks for your help

We have to improve the XY automation. For the moment, you are right, the better way is to record the audio performance.
Soft Arturia


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Re: beat export not working in logic?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 03:38:37 pm »
Kevin, that's for your reply.  Indeed the 'to host' button did solve the issue - when I set the export option to AUDIO but if I left it on MIDI export - It seems I still have the original problem.  Hopefully this will be fixed with update in future - unless it's just me?!  Thanks anyway - as I can at least start working with audio loops at this stage.

Thanks for the confirmation of the limitations of the XY effects options with host DAW.  Hopefully this will be rectified in time.



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