June 04, 2024, 12:31:01 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Why the different layers? And in which layer i must draw my own samples?  (Read 2063 times)


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the question concerns the use of my own samples in the instrument Edit Window, Guide Page 46, paragraph 9, "Sample layer display for each layer - Numbered 1 to 6th"
I just want to use my own samples, why the different layers?
And in which layer i must draw my own samples?
Why are the different layer?
The manual does not explain this point!
Thanks for answer...


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    • http://www.arturia.com
the layer are used to play different sample depending the velocity.
The lower layer are played for low velocity and the higher for high velocity.
If you have only one sample you don't have to care about the layer, just use the first one.

Hope this helps
Soft Arturia


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