had this program analog factory on an old computer that ive unistalled a year or so ago and just recently purchased a new computerand wanting to install AF and im having issues with instailling
i upgraded from 2.0 to 2.5 from the arturia website then i try to install again and through the install process i get the error message about elicenser application analog factory 2.o has caused the following error
Application 'Analog Factory 2.0' has caused the following error:
eLicenser(s) contain(s) no valid license for this application.
- For troubleshooting information click <Help>.
- Click <Licenses> to view available licenses.
- Connect a valid eLicenser and click <Retry>.
- Click <Cancel> to abort.
i have my disc and all info needed i.e. license number,etc..
can help me with the install and license issue