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Author Topic: Off-line Authorization  (Read 2165 times)


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Off-line Authorization
« on: July 15, 2010, 04:10:10 am »
I recently purchased CS80V 1.6 and would like to upgrade to V2.  I registered my software and received an email listing the serial number and an activation code.  I assume the activation code is to be used when upgrading to V2 since 1.6 uses the CDROM for activation and copy protection?   Also I do not have my DAW computer connected to the internet, but do have my home computer nearby that is on-line.  I also have a Steinberg USB key plugged into my DAW computer for Wavelab.  The syncrosoft program is already loaded on the DAW computer as well.

So, how can I load and authorize CS80V2 on my DAW if it's not connected to the internet?  I've read everything I can find on the Arturia web site, but I'm still very confused about what to do?  Maybe it's not possible and I'll just have to stop at version 1.6?   If there's a work around this, please let me know.  Can I download the license on to my Steinberg key from the Arturia web page with my home computer and then plug it into my DAW machine to run V2 or am I stuck?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you


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Re: Off-line Authorization
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 04:44:54 am »
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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