Well, during editing I don't send any midi message to origin.
I have tried the following steps:
1) into module oscillators (I have proved all: generic, miniMg, arp, cs80 and jupiter) I have added, as source of FM-modulation, one input (left as well as right)
2) I have pressed a key on master keyboard and than origin hasn't played
3) This happen with or without a fisical audio connections to audio inputs (I have tried with a roland juno, a microphone and finally with...nothing)
4) I have changed program, but no sounds.
5) Furthermore, when I'm palying some key on master keyboard, origin shows the virtual led on display (left lower part), like when it's receive a note-on/off
6) I have selected preset n°396 (morse seq) to verify if the sequencer start: it doesn't start
7) I have try to start demo: it seems operate correctly, but no sounds
8 ) All controls on the front panel seem work correctly, but no sounds
Obviously, before setting audio input as FM-modulation source, origin palyed. I must reboot.