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Author Topic: Just bought AF...a few questions about possible bugs?...  (Read 3875 times)


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Just bought AF...a few questions about possible bugs?...
« on: May 07, 2008, 04:41:35 pm »
I just purchased AF Experience, and I have to say that it is a very good product. The registration stuff is a little bit of a pain but I have managed to transfer my license to my Cubase dongle and now I can use it on both my machines.

There a couple of things that I am wondering about...

1. When I have the keyboard connected sometimes there are midi notes being sent to AF when I am not touching anything on the keyboard. There is no noise playing however the midi light flashes to indicate that messages are being recieved...not sure why this is happening...

2. For some patches, for example - Bright Pad on the CS-80V, I have noticed that I get glitchy sounds that are picked up by the delay and are echoed through the sound...I'm not sure if this is part of the patch, I can't see why it would...the pad sound is really nice except for these seemingly random glitchy sounds....Is there a workaround for this?...It's not a CPU issue, and I have noticed it on other sounds as well...It's pretty annoying so I hope there is a fix.....


Macbook 2.0Ghz 2GB RAM
Cubase Studio 4
Presonus Firepod, Bluetube DP
Reason 4
Arturia Analogue Factory Experience


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Just bought AF...a few questions about possible bugs?...
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 02:05:25 am »
Well, i discovered the answer to question 2. It seems when I adjust the key parameters the 'glitch' appears.....guess i should have known this would have been a drawback to buying presets...I just hope that this is a rare case, cuz it sucks to find a cool 'user' preset and find it sounds like i'm using a demo product (the glitch noise i am experiencing sounds similar to that used on the demos to with the silence) :?
Macbook 2.0Ghz 2GB RAM
Cubase Studio 4
Presonus Firepod, Bluetube DP
Reason 4
Arturia Analogue Factory Experience


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Re: Just bought AF...a few questions about possible bugs?...
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 09:24:20 pm »
To your first question:
Are you sure it is a note event being sent? There are several other possibilities...

A legal one is possibly "active sensing". That's a system midi event some keyboards sent to indicate that there is a device present. The synth can then detect if this device possibly gets lost and can shut off notes.

Another one may be some knobs do not produce stable values and flip up and down, always sending this CC via midi. Similar things can happen with a not quite good joystick...

If you want to know exactly you might wish to try a midi monitor like Midi OX. You can download that for free, just google for it.

Maybe that helps?...
Best regards, TiUser


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