Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum, and maybe someone else asked this question, but I wasn't sure which to look for it.
Being also new to Pro Tools and I just bought Analog Factory. Maybe I'm a bit over my head in figuring this all out.
I installed AF It works when I load it into PT, and can play all the really cool sounds perfectly, but after that I'm like dahhhh how do you get it to record into PT? After I engage the record mode for the track nothing happens. The waveform goes blank, but before that the waveforms are working. Are my inputs wrong?
I have tried everything I can think of. It's probably something really simple and because I'm still learning everything I have not input something right, but I figured it was worth asking if someone else is using the same platform.
Right now I'm just using the virtual keyboard, and software plug in. I'm not using the actual keyboard. I'm assuming you can do that as it shows up in the instruments section of the mix inputs.
Anyway thank you for reading my quandary and hope someone can help?
Shannon Starr