...perhaps it is the purpose of your update-Policy of your softsynths, that the people want to go back to "the origin" (=hardware) because they are so frustrated of your buggy software.....and you can make more money with that!
So dear Mr. Brun,
Your Origin-Video is really great: Showing your great 50 cent-villa like in "MTV cribs", that you paid with money you earned with buggy sofware instead of investing the money in a few practicants, that do bugfixing. But yes your are right: Why not let the people do bugfixing. Just tell the people, that your are such a small company, so you can make only one update per year and can't answer any questions in the forum!
I'm a student and I paid much for this buggy shit "Jupiter-8v" and I still can't work properly with it because of the known bugz with ableton live.
When will there be an Update for the J-8v?