Hi. Is there any way to use Analog Factory v2 with the Syncrosoft USB eLicenser?
I have a number of products that use the Syncrosoft USB dongle, and I like having my licenses portable, since it allows me to use my licensed products at home and away from home (on my laptop).
If I understand correctly Arturia has switched from a USB-eLicenser to the "soft" eLicenser for AF 2.0.
Is it possible to keep my AF 2.0 license on my USB key WITHOUT having to use the Soft elicenser?
According to the Syncrosoft website (under "Compatible Solutions") they state:
The Syncrosoft Soft-eLicenser is fully compatible with the Syncrosoft USB-eLicenser. Once the eLicenser implementation is done, Software vendors can specify whether their protected software exclusively requires a Syncrosoft USB-eLicenser, or runs with both Syncrosoft eLicenser types. Licenses, either securely stored on the USB-eLicenser or linked to the computer system where the Soft-eLicenser is installed, can be securely transferred between the two eLicenser types.
http://www.syncrosoft.com/Syncrosoft_eLicenser_-78-30.htmlThe above IMPLIES that Arturia COULD allow users to use EITHER METHOD (i.e. either USB-eLicense OR Soft-eLicense).
It would be great if Arturia could allow BOTH methods, which would allow existing Analog Factory 1.2 owners to keep our AF 2.0 license on the USB key.
Thank you.
Martin Hines