I am not sure who knocked off my previous post so I will go again.....
I think this synth looks Awesome, and caseable.... unlike synths like the Korg Radias which is difficult to case,and find a stand for due to its hollow frame.....
Unlike the Radias, The flipup desktop on the Origin Keybd is not the entire synth, it is a control surface.....
that would be why it is thinner than the standalone rack...
the i/o's are on the keyboard portion and the psu is integral....
my hope is that the polyphonic Aftertouch that Arturia says the Origin responds to, will open up the "option" of a polyphonic aftertouch key-bed
so I dont need a secondary controller....currently they describe the keyboard as aftertouch, which generally means Channel Aftertouch.....
However we could be suprised
.....BTW I agree with my friend about the zero point ribbon, for the CS80 portion and improvements since CS80v1.6
here is the back of the keyboard to show what I mean about the I/Os.......