You guys are killing me here - I'm 1000 miles from home to record with some friends, with a dead computer. All my free and low cost software fired right up on my backup machine (some in a fully functional evaluation mode pending authorization from the authors), but after paying you nearly $700 for 2 copies of your V collection, YOU are keeping us all sitting on our hands instead of recording. Your fogbugz system is down, so I don't even know if you have seen my emails from 36 hours ago. I am already in the process of redoing all the sounds I used your synths for on my ZynAddSubFX synth, and you've all but lost 6 potential customers that I have been bragging to about your stuff.
Shit happens on the road, and if you guys can't deal with that, then your synths can't be a part of my normal setup. They are no more than VERY expensive toys that I have to leave at home
. Seriously - you GAVE me something like 15 days to evaluate a fully functional copy before I bought it, and now that you have my money I don't even seem to have THAT option.
I am all for you getting paid for your efforts, but when your licensing scheme brings paying customers' work to a halt, then your system is, by definition, broken.