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Author Topic: What to do about a bug in the patch menu system  (Read 3047 times)


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What to do about a bug in the patch menu system
« on: December 31, 2006, 05:37:49 pm »
There's a bug in the patch memory menu system that may affect some users. I thought I'd mention it here along with some advice on how to avoid having problems with it. That's rather more positive than moaning about it - as one or two other people in this forum seem to prefer doing. ;)

I'm using a PC running Windows XP.

My collection of patches is getting to be vast. I decided to split one of the sub-banks into three smaller sub-banks as part of my measures to make patch selection faster. I often make a series of patches based on a particular module configuration or a particlar playing technique, so it makes sense to make smaller banks where related patches in a series are collected together.

I decided to export the sub-bank to be split, and import it back with a different name, so I'd have two identical sub-banks, then delete the patches that were to be in the main bank.

So I whittled the duplicate renamed sub-bank down to the patches that I wanted to have in the two new sub-banks, then exported and name-changed again so I could cut each new sub-bank down to the small number of patches I wanted in each.

That sounds more complicated than it was in practice. The important point is that if you import a sub-bank back with a name change you can find the Modular V crashing when you try to access it. It's presumably confused by the locations of the patches.

The first name change worked, but the second one didn't - so it looks like the bug takes effect if you push things to another level.

This may not affect every user, of course. But based on what I've found I'd advise creating new sub-banks and then using the `save as' facility to individually save the patches you want to transfer into the new sub-bank. That may seem a little long-winded, which is why I took the wholesale approach, but it's more reliable. Doing it regularly whenever you create several new patches is advisable, and manageable if you do it as you go instead of tryign to do a lot in one go as I did today.

This may be useful advice for anyone who creates large numbers of patches with the Modular V.


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