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Author Topic: Changing Lighted Status of Buttons via MIDI Command  (Read 2097 times)


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Changing Lighted Status of Buttons via MIDI Command
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:49:14 pm »
I'm working on building a Remote configuration for using the MiniLab with Reason 7. I have the encoders working along with essentially all the other items. I'm translating pads 1-8 so they send proper note on and off messages instead of sending note on messages with 0 velocity when they're released.

Long story short, basically everything is working fine. However, I would like to use pads 9-16 as switched toggle buttons that actually reflect the state of whatever control they're connected to within the Reason Rack, and to change their lighted state if the controller is "moved" to a different device. Is it possible to send a value to the MiniLab via MIDI to change the lighted state of a pad that's set up as a switched toggle?



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Re: Changing Lighted Status of Buttons via MIDI Command
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2013, 04:20:49 pm »
I want to know this.bought it to map pads 1-16 to thor sequencer steps and want to switch over but light status doesn't change,tech support useless at this company by the look


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