Hi, I am extremely happy to own a keylab88, great keyboard in all way...
...Until I understood that there is no easy way to change the main emmiting channel on the fly for all controls in a raw (keys + wheels + pads +knobs + faders)
This is particularly handy for sampletank, where you can load instruments on 16 channels, with midi modifiers for each channels.
Same goes for the Arturia B3V: the usual trick is to have the upper keyboard + upperdrawbars on ch1 and lower keys+ lower drawbar on ch2... and in this case it is impossible???
Even my first midi keyboard oxgen 49 can do it and it cost less than 100€... Isn't the Keylab88 supposed to be a kind of ultimate midi keyboard?
I read in this forum that there is a trick to do it by setting the 10 keyboard presets to the 10 first midi channels, but kontakt and sampletank work with 16 channels!
We really need a firmware update to fix this, it seems a nonesense!
Or hopefully I am wrong and I did not undertand how to do it??