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Author Topic: Minibrute Clicking and Bad Mod Wheel  (Read 2486 times)


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Minibrute Clicking and Bad Mod Wheel
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:53:11 am »
I just got my Minibrute new from Guitar Center today. Out of the box I found two problems with it: 1) the mod wheel when anything past all the way down, it goes to its maximum value. Also, when using the arpeggiator I hear an intermittent loud one time click sound that happens randomly. I updated the firmware and the problems still persist. It also seems like GC might've given me a Minibrute box that had been opened (since the tie wraps were already undone and the sales associate had an attitude). Is there an easy fix for these issues or should I just go exchange it for another one tomorrow?


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Re: Minibrute Clicking and Bad Mod Wheel
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 03:15:03 pm »
Exchange immediately. Ask for an unopened unit. The mod wheel problem is not one I've heard of.

The clicking is a little more vague. It's possible you're hearing what happens when you have freerunning oscillators and quick analog envelopes - a kind of tick. Most audible with low cutoff settings.

But if it's more of a high volume sound that does not seem like it's being generated by the envelopes or a non-zero-crossing attack, then you have a second problem. But the mod wheel sounds busted - explain and return.

GC and other places get returns back daily. I'm not sure they have the best process. A sales guy takes the unit, might make some notes about the problem. Someone else probably inspects it, thinks there's no problem, and repacks it for another sale.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 03:17:48 pm by T3k »


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