OK....guess I have to eat my words to a certain extent....Arturia DID in fact reply today, thyey gave me looooong explanation why my request was near impossible ...and then at the end gave me a very simple solution ("at my own risk") ... well, long story short: the UNLOCK CODE was a wild goose chase, I was instead to order a new authorization code.... and it worked :-) I am now a happy man.
As to Arturia´s responsiveness: maybe they screen/filter issues, what can be answered quickly and painlessly they answer, the rest...they ignore. One of the (less important) reasons why I jumped ship from Windows to Mac was that SEM V would no longer show up after I upgraded my Sonar... I filed a support request (ok, maybe the issue was really Sonar´s more than Arturia´s...but the request was never answered by Arturia, despite several reminders from my side....I just gave up in the end. Likewise, I have an Origin desktop (beautiful synth btw) ... I have a rather severe issue with its output volume that renders it practically useless (there is a tip in the knowledge base, but it is to no help) ... I filed a support request about a year ago.... despite several reminders, no response whatsoever from them. This synth is too good and too expensive to give up on, so I will keep reminding them. But after a year, my hopes are moderate to low :-)