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Author Topic: Spark v1.4 Massive Bug? (IAC Driver Spark1 Midi OUT)  (Read 9960 times)


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Re: Spark v1.4 Massive Bug? (IAC Driver Spark1 Midi OUT)
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2012, 10:18:32 pm »
Hi Lisapower1,
sorry for not answering before.
You are not the first one to report issue with the FX pad in Logic. I will check it and get back to you ASAP.

The host button is to sync Spark sequencer with the host transport (play/stop).
The tempo button is to sync Spark sequencer with the host Tempo.
So if you want to have the FX pad synced with the host, it is better to have both enabled.


Hi Kevin

i got now everything working but there is still one Problem:

When i hit Record on Logic and record a FX with Sparks FX Pad, it will not give me back the same result by playing back in logic. It looks like it plays the FX one time like this, and one time like that. absolutly not in Sync with Logic. ???

this is the only problem i have so far, everything else is working fine.  ;)



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Re: Spark v1.4 Massive Bug? (IAC Driver Spark1 Midi OUT)
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2013, 11:55:31 am »
!!!CAREFULL Spanish Users!!!, you should change the name (title) of the IAC Driver, from Driver IAC (Spanish OSX) to IAC Driver (exact letters cause case sensitive).

If you don't change the name, the spark au plugin wont be able to find the port, and you will find this message in the preference of Spark plugin

Went mad and lost more than 2 hours looking for the error. Don't know if this detail appears in the manuals, I've read 1.7 revision, and didn't found it.  :-[


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