I owned the Minibrute for 2 months now and is a perfect for me.
Today I stopped working

I power it up and it was working fine for half a hour and then just something happened...
Green octave light went off and the two orange lights led up and sound was gone and there was just buzzzz.
I turn it off and on again. I felt lucky for a brief moment, for a time the green light was there (for about 1 second) and than back to 2 orange lights.
I tried everything...
There is that buzz going on and if I crank up the volume I get additional noise, but nothing seems to work.
The green lights of envelopes are not flashing if you play a note, the octave switches are not working, I tryed gate source... nothing.
So I went home and opened it for the second time. First time it was well known key problem (which I had to fix it by myself, I was in a hurry for a gig!!! No problem, still glued and working fine) I thought that it has to do with ribbon connection of a keyboard (that was only thing that I disconnected when I was repairing keyboard). Nothing. I also checked the fuse, seems fine (anyway... If there is noise and lights, fuse must be fine).
I have no time to send it back to thomann or wherever, I have a really important gig in 5 days and without it I can't play it! Damn.

Does anyone had the same problem?
Bruno, any clue ?