On the first page of this forum there are 3 threads alone about 1.7 causing crashes in different DAWs and 1 about it causing freezing.
Ive attached 2 crash reports from just this evenings session (one from opening the spark vst and trying to connect spark controller, and another from trying to create a new project from within the VST) if you are a tester for Arturia and want to look into the issue.
I am using Mac OSX 10.8.4.
I did not experience any crashes with spark 1.6.
It also seems very buggy when dragging to export midi patterns from the VST. I have just lost yet ANOTHER evenings work as after i dragged out the first MIDI track from the sequencer in the VST, the VST DELETED all the notes from the other tracks with no request to confirm. (see my other post).
Dont suppose you know a function to undo any actions in the VST? The hardware undo has no effect on it and i would really like to recover the pattern i was working on....